Organic Ground Trikatu - Ayurveda 101

Trikatu Ayurveda

Ayurveda Training / November 30, 2016

Trikatu – The Digestive Herbal Formula
Trikatu is a formula combination of equal parts ginger, black pepper and pippali. The name trikatu means three peppers or the three pungents. It is a wonderful herb with strong digestive properties. It is particularly beneficial in kapha type disorders, such as, obesity, diabetes, asthma, coughing and congestion. It is a rejuvenative herb, especially regarding the lungs and also has carminative and diaphoretic properties. However, in cases with excess heat it is better avoided. It is also contraindicated in hyperacidity and pregnancy. When taken before food it will kindle appetite and after food it aids the digestive process.

Translating as “three pungents”, Trikatu contains the herbs pippali, ginger, and black pepper which is traditionally used to enkindle the digestive fire and to effectively burn fat and natural toxins.

Trikatu is a light, dry herb and has a pungent taste with a heating effect in the body. Its post digestive effect is also pungent and it is effective on the digestive, respiratory and excretory systems.
Common Uses Of Trikatu:
Trikatu is most popularly used in combination with triphala. This formula works well as an aid in congestion, constipation and excess mucous. It is also traditionally combined with honey as honey also has a scraping effect and acts as a yogavahi to aid in cleansing and clearing mucous. Taking trikatu with honey during the winter months is a wonderful way to prevent colds/flus as well as maintaining a balance in the cold weather. It can be used in many recipes and even sprinkled over food before consumption.

Some indications, amongst others, include:
– Excess weight/obesity
– Asthma
– Bronchitis
– Pneumonia
– Cough
– Sinus congestion
– Sluggish digestion
– Leaky gut
– Bloating/ abdominal pain
– High cholesterol
– Hypothyroidism
– Low metabolism/low energy

Cautionary Note:
It is important to be aware of some of the contraindications of using trikatu as it is a heating herb. In cases of excess heat and/or acidity it is not recommended. Always seek a physician’s advice before undertaking herbal supplementation.

– Lad, V. (1999). The complete book of Ayurvedic home remedies.
– Sharma, H. (2011). Ayurvedic Healing. Singing Dragon
– Lad, V. (2002). Textbook of Ayurveda.
– Lad, V., & Frawley, D. (1986). The yoga of herbs
– Pole, S. (2013). Ayurvedic medicine the principles of traditional practice
– Green, J. (2000). The herbal medicine-makers’ handbook a home manual
