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Holistic Schools in California

Ayurveda Training / September 13, 2013

Many people feel drawn to the healing professions, but not all are comfortable with the Western medical approach. Holistic health practitioners offer an increasingly respected and centuries-old alternative that emphasizes total wellness of mind, body, emotions and spirit. They treat people not as collections of parts and diseases, but as whole individuals.

This is an exciting time to pursue a holistic health education. Many ancient healing traditions, such as acupuncture, Ayurveda and herbal medicine, are enjoying renewed popularity. Newer healing modalities that were once dismissed are now being researched and respected. People are taking responsibility for their personal wellness and looking to trained professionals to help them on their path.

Successful holistic health practitioners usually possess the following attributes:

  • Committed to lifelong learning
  • Curious and open-minded
  • Sensitive and compassionate
  • A good listener and excellent verbal communicator
  • Highly observant and detail-oriented
  • Attentive to their own health and wellness

If you are interested in pursuing a career in holistic health, you can choose from an enormous range of holistic health education options. You may choose to seek an integrated degree in holistic health or to specialize in a specific healing approach.

Holistic Health Practitioner Education

Most holistic health practitioners have knowledge in some or all of the following areas:

A general holistic health certificate program will offer a cursory education on most of these topics. Depending on your interests, you will probably want to pursue deeper learning in one or more specialty areas. For example, a massage therapist will need an advanced understanding of anatomy, physiology and massage techniques. An herbalist will learn the properties of many plants, including methods for preparation and contraindications. You may decide to develop multiple specialties, so you should be sure that your holistic health education prepares you for any licensing requirements in your state.

Some holistic health practitioners follow an established tradition, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) or Ayurveda. If you choose this path, you may wish to attend a holistic health school that focuses specifically on your area of interest, where you can learn the history of and diagnostic and treatment methods specific to that healing tradition.

Since many holistic health practitioners practice independently, even if they work in a spa or wellness center, business management skills are essential.

Average Length of Study

Holistic health school programs vary widely in length and style. It is important to take the time to research your program carefully because your future clients will be very interested in your background. You will need to demonstrate that you received a legitimate education and earned any certifications or licenses appropriate to your work.
