5 Amazing Dr.Elchuri ayurvedic beauty tips for face and skin

Elchuri Ayurveda

Ayurveda Training / May 5, 2017

Ayurveda Jeevana Vignanam of Ayurveda Maharshi Pandita Dr. Elchuri's Venkat Rao. The need of Ayurveda in our day to day life. He is arenowned Ayurvedam practitioner. Ayurveda Jeevana vedam, Ayurveda Aahara vedam, Ayurveda Soundarya vedam. Maharshi PanditaYelchuri Venkat Rao is the editor for Andariki Ayurvedam monthly magazine which has a circulation of over 1 lakh across AP. Dr.Elchuri's Remedy

Andariki Ayurvedam

Recipe No.1:

Coconut oil : 100 gm Lemon juice : 100 gm (filtered) Mix both of above constituents and boil in a mud vessel till the juice evaporates and oil remains (tillthe bubble formations disappear). Cool it and store in a bottle.


Apply on the head overnight till the scalp is soaked. Take head bath next day morning withRita/Seekakai but not with shampoo.

Recipe No.2:

Red mandara (single petals) flowers : 100gm juice Sesame oil (Nuvvula noone) : 100 gm Black cow’s urine: 100 gm (Optional) Mix three contents and boil on SIM flame. Filter and store in bottle.


Dandruff eliminates and hair is protected.

Recipe No.3:

Make paste of Mandara flowers, black cow’s urine and black sesame seeds by grinding. Applypaste to head and take bath after one hour. Wash pillow covers, combs after each application of paste. Do not use other’s combs.

Recipe No.4:

Fry khus khus and soak in sufficient HOT water for 4 to 5 hours. Apply to the hair in layers. After one hour take bath with Rita/Ayurvedic Shampoo.

Recipe No.5:

Make powder from Vasa sticks and store. Mix little powder with water make paste and apply toscalp. A little burning sensation may be there. Take bath with Rita powder after 15 to 30 min. takehead bath as above once a week.

Old Dandruff will be completely eliminated.

Dr.Elchuri's recipes for DANDRUFF

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Ayurvedam Receipt's

Andariki Ayurvedam: Dr.Elchuri's recipes for DANDRUFF 11/8/2013http://andariki-ayurvedam.blogspot.in/2009/10/drelchuris-recipes-for-dandruff.html 1 /

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