Lipoma Tips Page 70

Treatment of Lipoma in Ayurveda

Treatment / January 25, 2013

LiveStrong Calorie TrackerA lipoma is a benign tumor made of fatty tissue that is commonly found in adults between the ages of 40 and 60, according to Family Doctor. These fatty tumors can have a genetic component or can be caused by injury to the soft tissue. These tumors are usually found in areas of the upper torso but can develop from any area that has fatty tissue. In most cases, a lipoma will not need to be removed unless it is large or causing pressure or pain. Herbal remedies may help reduce or eliminate a lipoma; however, always check with your doctor before using a natural approach.

Sage is an herb that is commonly used in cooking. This versatile plant comes in several varieties and is also used in natural treatment approaches for its ability to thin the blood. According to herbalist Matthew Wood in "The Earthwise Herbal, " sage has a natural affinity that attracts it to fat. It is for this reason, he explains, that sage extract applied externally over a lipoma may help it dissolve. Wood continues by adding that Anthony Godfrey, a naturopathic doctor in Toronto, explains that sage helps in the balance of fluids in the body. A collection of fatty tissue may indicate an imbalance, which may be relieved by the administration of sage.

The herb turmeric contains a substance known as curcumin that, according to Dr. Demian Dressler of the Dog Cancer Blog, has been found to reduce the size of lipomas in dogs. Dr. Karen Herbst of MDJunction explains that the effect of curcumin isn't limited to dogs. She adds that curcumin applied as a topical mask has helped some individuals decrease the size and recurrence of lipomas. Dr. Herbst suggests that you mix together a tsp. of turmeric powder with a tsp. of olive oil until it forms a soft paste. Apply the paste to the skin over the lipoma. Keep in mind that turmeric's yellow coloring will cause a yellow dyeing of skin and clothing, so if you want to avoid this effect on clothes, cover the paste with a bandage.

Chickweed is an herb commonly used in natural medicine for its ability to loosen excess mucous produced when you have a cold or flu. Dr. Marilyn Tucker of DrMT explains that chickweed is also used to draw excess water from the body, which can occur with cardiovascular disease. Chickweed, she adds, may also help to reduce accumulations of fat in the body, including lipomas. Chickweed is available at your local health or natural food store.
