Nagarjuna Ayurvedic Centre, Cochin,Ayurvedic Centre, Cochin

Nagarjuna Ayurvedic

Ayurveda Training / September 5, 2014

Many times the pressures of living situation force us to behave in a certain way to aggression and suppression of our emotional feelings. The body secretions become excess or inadequate, leading to abnormalities in the effective metabolism. Metabolism (ability to transform and convert ) is the process by which the food we eat is digested and converted to energy in cells through many stages. When metabolism is impaired, the food you eat doesn’t convert to the body element (Dathu) and become the final energy (Ojjas) in your cells. Then what does it become? It forms deficient cells and accumulates toxins in the cells that blocks the micro channels in your body. This affects the physiological functions and cause diseases.

The same problems occur due to improper food and life style. Food habits including contradictory elements taken at improper times and lack of physical exercise, all contribute to poor digestion leading to accumulation of toxins in our cells

Ayurvedic Approach to optimizing health

Ayurveda assigns prime importance to prevention rather than just curing diseases. Proper care of health through daily regimens (Dinacharya) and seasonal regimens (Ritucharya) has tremendous value in keeping your metabolic systems in best condition.

Ayurveda treats each individual as a special living being with whole of physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual qualities. Accordingly the diagnosis of diseases is also very specific. The solutions are person specific. Problems that have cumulated over years can be eliminated in a short time by few weeks of treatment. As a result of the care, your digestion and absorption, metabolism and circulation improves and the self-healing property of your body becomes optimal.

Act today wholesomely:

Rejuvenation program leads to correction of metabolic strength resulting in healthy mind, body, intellect and spirit. It helps you to evolve as a balanced mature individual. It is always advisable to undergo this care by both husband and wife together so that corrections could be attained simultaneously. The learning programs will help both to understand each other better. It helps to guide and support each other at all times.
