Maharishi Ayurveda Products International
I haven’t posted a lot lately because we had a lot of damage from a major storm that resulted in long-term power outages. As soon as we began to recover from that, I acquired a horrific infection in my frontal and maxillary sinuses. Ugggghhhh!!! (More on that later…)
Anywho, that brings me to another point… Do you ever just feel unhappy? I do. I miss home. I don’t like the town I live in, and have no sense of family here. Did I mention how much the power grid sucks? Combine my unhappiness with being extremely busy, and it adds up to a LOT of stress.
I figured exercise would help with all the stress, and it has, a little. One thing I DID notice, though, was that no matter how healthy I eat, or how much I work out, I don’t burn fat like I used to. Years ago, I was not only younger, but I did bodybuilding (natural, no drugs), so it was easy to shed fat when I wanted to.
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After having a stroke, though, my birth control was changed to something less risky. Without taking birth control, I suffer from terrible, debilitating monthly migraines, so going off of it isn’t really an option. Because of the new hormones, the fat just won’t go away, no matter what. I can’t take fat burners- not only do they increase my risk of another stroke, but I don’t like the way they make me feel so jittery. I know, picky, right…???
Taking those pills that make you poop out your fat don’t seem that great, either. I mean, who wants uncontrollable bowel movements at any given time? There are just too many nasty side effects with so much stuff on the market that I just hate to take a drug if it’s not absolutely necessary. This is one of the reasons I prefer natural health methods and remedies whenever possible.
I started researching my problem with losing fat, primarily in my belly area. One thing kept consistently emerging- cortisol. This is a stress hormone that results in many negative effects, including fat storage. But those “As See on TV” fat burners are really the only thing I’ve seen that supposedly target cortisol, and I don’t want a fat burner. I want to take care of the underlying issue, and let the rest fall into place- or rather, fat fall out of place…lol!
As it turns out, ashwagandha is one of the most well-researched natural supplements that has adaptogenic properties, meaning it helps address cortisol. I found a plethora of research and data available, including double-blind, placebo-controlled studies published in peer-reviewed medical and scientific journals.
When using natural supplements, keep in mind the FDA does not regulate them, so it’s of the utmost importance to obtain them from a reputable source. Growing up in Iowa, the home of Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City, which is the capital of the Global Country of World Peace, and home of Maharishi University and the Transcendental Meditation movement, of course, that’s where I turned!
Maharishi Ayurveda Products International in Fairfield, Iowa, is the oldest natural supplement company in the United States. It was founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Deepak Chopra, M.D., Ph.D. I’ve now placed several orders, and reorders so I’ll have backups of the products I like, and have been very pleased.
It’s been several weeks now that I’ve been using Maharishi Ayurveda supplements, including v.p.k. Stress Free Mind, v.p.k. Deep Rest, Worry Free Tea, and Pitta Tea. My shorts have started falling down! Normally, this would really irk me, but I just laugh it off now. My mood is better, I can deal with stress more easily. I sleep deeper, without being groggy. I have more energy, and I don’t feel “zoned out” or jittery.
As for the sinus infection I mentioned in the beginning, these are a constant for me because of my allergies. My primary care provider suggested butterbur, but I haven’t been able to find any around here. I think I’ll turn to Maharishi Ayurveda for a solution for this as well. As luck would have it (finally!), they just sent me an invite to a webinar on allergies and immunity, with Nancy Lonsdorf, M.D., one of the premier ayurvedic doctors in the country. Since she’s also got an M.D. from Johns Hopkins and completed a residency at Stanford, I’m confident she’ll be a great source of info.
The service provided by mapi.com is outstanding, I received my products in 2-3 days, and shipping was $2.77 for one order, and $3.76 for a larger order! They’ve got a great selection of single herbs, supplements, teas, essential oils, and even personal care products. If you want high quality natural products from the oldest, most experienced company in the country, be sure to check out mapi.com.
Disclaimer- Just because something is natural doesn’t mean it’s safe, or better. There are times when conventional medications or procedures are necessary. Be sure your doctor or healthcare provider is aware of all supplements and activities you take or do, and follow all of her/his instructions. (Thankfully, my primary provider is open to integrating natural methods and supplements!)