Jiva Institute Vrindavan
Preparations for Level 2 of Bhakti-tirtha at Jiva Institute Vrindavan have started and we are open for registration. For a detailed description about the purpose and background of this course, please refer to our last course announcement and the review article. Schedule: The course will run from Oc ...
My name is Hemal P. Trivedi and I am a graduate student at Rutgers University finishing a Masters in Religious Studies with a specialization in Indian philosophy. From September 2016 to January 2017, I had the honor of living at Jīva Institute while completing my third semester and applying to Ph.D ...
For the first time, the 18th Century manuscript Tattva-dīpikā (Light on the Truth) of Baladeva Vidyābhūṣaṇahas now been published by Jiva Institute. This edition includes the Sanskrit text followed by a lucid English translation by Dr. Demian Martin and extensive notes. The following is a ...
One of the aims of Jiva Institute is to publish rare books. Dr. Demian Martins discovered this previously unknown work of Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura and translated it into English. It has been printed for the first time in Gaudiya history and is now available in our Online Store. The author rev ...
On the auspicious day of Gītā Jayanti (Appearance of Bhagavad Gītā), Jiva Institute has released a new high quality edition of Bhagavad Gītā with chapter summeries and anvaya, translated by Babaji Satyanaryana Dasa. This new “Bhagavad Gītā — Sāra-samanvitā” comes with a ...
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