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Jiva Clinic

Ayurveda Training / April 19, 2013

Rate your very own experience and help us serve you better !!! By taking a few moments to rate local businesses, services, and destinations, you're helping friends, neighbors, and visitors find the best places to eat, shop, get stuff done, and enjoy themselves. By submitting your rating, you agree that Justdial may include your rating in its Justdial website and publicly post your comments. You may submit only one rating per local listing. Justdial reserves the right to refuse or remove any rating that does not comply with the below Guidelines or the Justdial Terms of Service. Justdial is not responsible or liable in any way for ratings posted by its users. Guidelines to rate a listing

Be frank and honest. Tell us how you really feel and why. Useful ratings are detailed and specific, and give the readers a feel of your experience.

Think what information you want when you ask a friend or co-worker to recommend you a restaurant, a service, an activity, or a business.

Here are some questions you might want to answer in your rating:

Were you satisfied with the overall experience? Would you want to experience it again?

Do you believe this store/service was better as compared to other similar businesses that you have experienced earlier? Do you think you got value for your money?

Do you believe the whole experience was special? Did you have to compromise in any way? If yes, was it worth it?

Would you recommend this service to others?

Try to present facts and keep it objective. Was your pizza hot? Were the wraps fresh?

Keep it short & sweet. Write short sentences that stick to the point and focus on your experience. The recommended length for a local review is from 100 to 250 words.


Do not spoil it for others. Do not abuse the service. Ratings should not harass, abuse, or threaten someone personal safety or property, make false statements, defame, impersonate anyone, contain profanity, be sexually explicit, illegal or otherwise objectionable content, as determined by Justdial in its sole discretion.

Do not post personal information. Never assume that you are completely anonymous and cannot be identified by your posts. Rating should not include personal information, such as email addresses, mailing addresses, phone numbers or credit card numbers belonging to you or others.

Do not post multiple or commercial ratings. Ratings should not include posts that have spam, commercial or advertising content or links.

Do not imitate or copy others' trademarks or material. Ratings should include your own, original thoughts. We want to hear from you!

How does the rating system work?

Source: www.justdial.com