Live healthy Ayurvedic diet recommendation for summer - Happy and

Healthy Ayurvedic Diet

Diet / January 27, 2018

Ever wanted to know whether an Ayurvedic diet is worth trying? This will help you decide and is filled with tips on how to get started!Perhaps the oldest healing science in the world, Ayurveda is a vast and detailed holistic system designed to help people live a balanced, healthy life. This ancient Indian science was developed thousands of years ago as a powerful medical system, built around a sophisticated knowledge of our mind-body connection. It focuses on optimum physical health, as well as mental and emotional wellbeing. Modern medicine eventually caught up, proving the mind-body theory, and Ayurveda has spread throughout the western world in recent decades.

The 5, 000-year-old healing science is more than just a system for treating illness. It is considered the science of life (ayur, meaning life and veda, meaning knowledge, in Sanskrit terms). It allows people to become their healthiest selves, both in the body and the mind, with the intention of avoiding illnesses, rather than treating them if they develop later on, due to lifestyle choices. However, Ayurvedic medicine also includes remedies for diseases and ailments.

Ayurveda encourages optimum health of the body and mind, as well as an understanding of what different people and body types need to lead a healthy, vibrant life…

The 3 Doshas & Eating For Your Body Type

If you’ve ever wondered with envy why some of your friends seem to be able to eat as much as they want without ever putting on weight, or why your partner doesn’t stress out about the everyday things that you do, the three doshas in Ayurvedic science might go some way to answering that for you. The system explains that there are biological energies found within the human body and mind that fall generally into three categories: Vata, Pitta and Kapha, which are like blueprints for people’s natural characteristics, body types and states of mind. Often people can be made up of all three doshas, or have one or two dominant ones, but they constantly change in response to the food you eat, the seasons, your actions and emotions. According to Ayurvedic science, an imbalance in people’s energies caused by stress, unhealthy diets, weather and strained relationships can increase their risk of becoming more susceptible to different diseases.
