Master of Science in Ayurvedic Sciences | Bastyr University

Ayurvedic Medicine Schools in USA

Ayurvedic Medicine / November 11, 2012

Ayurveda, or “the science of life” in Sanskrit, is a holistic system of medicine that originated in India thousands of years ago. Its basic approach is to balance the mind, body and spirit through traditional techniques and treatments that promote health and prevent illness.

Ayurvedic practitioners view people as having a unique constitution (prakriti) and combination of life forces, known as doshas, which determine their physical and psychological health and vulnerabilities. Healthful balance is maintained using a customized regimen of cleansing practices, meditation or yoga, herbal medicines, vitamins and/or mineral treatments.

In India, where the tradition originated, it’s not uncommon to find an Ayurveda college or hospital in most large cities. Ayurveda school is a little harder to come by in the United States, but as time passes, more Ayurveda training programs are cropping up at state-approved educational institutions.

Career Overview

With 40 percent of adults using complementary or alternative medicine in 2010, there’s a clear market for practitioners of Ayurveda and other natural healing practices. Accordingly, a number of career opportunities are available to graduates of Ayurveda college. Some learn Ayurvedic principles as part of a pre-medical program; in that context, you might choose to work as a doctor in a clinic or private practice. Others choose to teach general Ayurvedic concepts at an Ayurveda school or wellness center, or specialize in administering therapies such as massage, yoga or panchakarma.

What You’ll Study in Ayurveda School

In a typical Ayurveda college, you can expect to learn the basic concepts and philosophies of Ayurvedic tradition, as well as clinical practices and traditional treatments. Topics covered in your Ayurveda training may include:

  • Transcendental meditation techniques
  • The mind-body connection
  • Ayurvedic nutrition and the six tastes
  • Client observation and evaluation
  • Dietary and herbal treatment plans
