Ayurvedic Information
By Karta Purkh Singh
For too many of us, information overload is a way of life. Psychologist David Lewis has coined a name for this illness: Information Fatigue Syndrome (IFS). Symptoms include feeling psychologically hyper-aroused, paralyzed analytical capacity, anxiety, and self-doubt.
More new information has been generated within the last 30 years than in the previous 5, 000. IFS leads to foolish decisions and flawed conclusions.
In a survey by the British firm Benchmark Research, more than 40% of people believe imperative decisions are postponed and the ability to make choices is hindered by excess information, 61% said that personal relationships have suffered because of information overload, and one-third said they suffer from health problems as a direct result of stress related to information overload.
Dealing with information overload is now essential. People are being bombarded with so much information that they are having trouble making decisions, according to editor Claudia Lynch. “They keep waiting for more data, " she writes. You can avoid the symptoms by learning to pace yourself, taking breaks, and knowing when to skim and when to study.
Ayurvedic Tips:
- To neutralize stress, use a tea of equal proportions of chamomile, valerian, and brahmi (gotu kola). Brew 1 tsp. in a cup of water and drink two to three cups per day. You may also find a combination that includes kava root in tea bags.
- Breathe long and deeply through the left nostril. This practice cools the mind and reduces stress effects.
- Meditate to discipline the mind and allow you to discriminate between which information to pass on and which to use effectively.
- Yogi Bhajan mentioned repeatedly that daily oil massage in the morning is one of the most profound things we can do for lifetime good health. This daily “abhyanga” helps control the air tattva, which is responsible for bumping up our stress response. He often suggested almond oil, which is good for almost anyone. Castor oil helps people with excess air tattva, Coconut oil for people with excess fire tattva and another Yogi Bhajan favorite, mustard oil, is just right for those with excess earth tattva.
- Ashwaganda is the top stress reducing Ayurvedic herb. Add 5 grams of this super root, in powder or capsules, to your daily routine for a big stamina and de-stressing boost. Yogi Bhajan recommended that men take it every day as a lifelong rejuvenating remedy. Women can use it, too!
- Brahmi (gotu kola) was one of Yogi Bhajan’s favorite herbs, and I saw him recommend it to people countless times. He often used it as part of a food recipe. To cook with brahmi, soak it overnight to rehydrate it, puree it in a blender or food processor, and use it like pureed spinach. Add it to saag, kitcharee or dal soup with delicious digestive spices.
- Calamus root, which we call “vacha, ” is a gift to yoga practitioners to help control the mind. Use a very small dose (1 gram per day) to sharpen your senses and cognition. Larger doses can make some people queasy, so take it easy at first.
- Guduchi herb, which Yogi Bhajan referred to by its common name, “gilo, ” is simply the best remedy for cleaning the channels of the mind. Add 2 grams as powder or capsules to your daily routine for a good everyday mental clean-out.
Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa Yogaraj, DN-C, RH, is the president of the American Herbalists Guild. He mentored in Ayurveda with Yogi Bhajan for 32 years. The Healing Cures of Yogi Bhajan is his homage to Yogi Bhajan and the wealth of information he had the blessing to learn from his master. Karta Purkh has written over 3, 000 articles on health topics and is the author or editor of 30 books on health, including his latest, The Way of Ayurvedic Herbs. He lives in the Northwest with his wife and daughter.