Take the Ayurveda Questionnaire to Know your body type

Ayurveda Questionnaire

Ayurveda Training / April 16, 2016

According to Ayurveda, the key to health is in understanding our own personal body type. There are three basic constitutional types, "doshas" in Sanskrit: Vata (or V), the "air" type. Pitta (or P), the "fire" and Kapha (or K), the "water" type. Each of us has some of the characteristics of all three of these. Many of us are dominant in more than one dosha.

In general, Vata people are sensitive and cheerful, quick to adapt to any new situation with enthusiasm. They crave excitement and stimulation, and are often the life of the party. They are quick in thought and in movement, seem to walk a little above the ground, and can be everywhere at once. They may be spacey, lacking in concentration skills, and may not have staying power in projects they begin with zeal. Their energy level is erratic. Physically, are slight and slender. Under stress, they tend towards anxiousness and worry.

Pitta people are bright and brilliant, intense and intelligent. They are very practical, doing what needs to be done with focus and determination. They tend to be ambitious and goal oriented, succeeding through sheer force of will. They are fair minded and logical, and can think through any problem step by step. They are forceful in their relationships, and communicate with directness. They tend to be organized, and their lifestyles are well paced and thought out. Physically, they are of moderate build, and usually have bright, intense eyes. Under stress, they tend towards frustration and anger.

Kapha people are loving, compassionate, and caring, often choosing lives of service. They have calm, patient, and stable personalities, and happily follow a regular routine. They enjoy the peace of home, and cultivate life's comforts and pleasures. However, they have an innate strength, and work very hard at whatever is truly important to them in a stable and consistent way. They tend to be cautious, committing themselves only after deliberation, but once they have committed they devote themselves entirely. They tend to avoid change, preferring instead the predictable. They tend to move slowly, and conserve their energy. Physically, they are strong and stout. Under stress, they tend towards lethargy, and may have grief or attachment.

When doshas become aggravated, illness results. Each dosha has certain types of illnesses associated with it, for example, ulcers are a common Pitta concern. Also, each dosha has its own unique approach to management, suh as personalized diet and lifestyle recommendations. Knowing what our body type is, therefore, the first step toward understanding what behaviors and therapies are correct for us.

This evaluation questionnaire can help to determine your body type according to Ayurvedic principles. Here at The Body Tree, it will guide your therapists to choose the oils and/or herbs that are the most calming and balancing for you. If you do not wish to answer this questionnaire, therapists will choose oils and/or herbs based on their observations.

Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Check only the description that is most applicable to you. Use your intuition here! Some of the descriptions include more than one trait; if any or most of the traits listed in a particular line are yours, check that box. If you already know your doshic make up, please inform your therapist at the beginning of treatment.

Source: www.bodytreehealing.com