Ayurveda in English
Europa Ayurveda Centrum (EAC) is a knowledge centre in traditional herbal medicine. The centre was founded by the Ayurvedic doctors V.P. Mohana Kumari, Cornelis Peters and Vighnesh M. Peters. Together they form the inspirational driving force behind this centre.
Recognized by WHO
Ayurveda, recognized by the World Health Organization as a traditional medical science has its origin in India. Ayurveda has a vast knowledge about herbal medicines and the preparation of complex herbal formulas to maintain the balance in biological systems.

Core activity
Our centre’s core activity is:
- Preparation of complex herbal formulas
- Cultivation of traditional herbal medicines
- Research into the application of these formulas in todays One Health questions
- Scientifically prove the efficacy of this formulas
We work closely together with Wageningen University and the University of Utrecht with One Health projects.
We grow according to a Vedic farming method. This method characterizes a deep respect for the earth. Organic farming is, therefore, a natural choice for us.
We are interested in partners and investors to do scientific research in the efficacy of our complex herbal formulas that we use in:
- a) bacterial and viral infections
- b) diabetic mellitus type 2
- c) allergy
- d) strengthening the immune system
What we can offer
Our organization can supply fresh herbs, dried herbs, powdered herbs, herbal formulas and the recipes for herbal formulas.
Work in progress
Initiator of a project to make healthy and sustainable fish food together with co-partners and Wageningen University, Imares.
Initiator of a pilot study to investigate the efficacy of Ayurveda treatment in Eimeria acervuli infected broiler chickens.
Partners in this consortium: University of Utrecht department Veterinary Science, CAV den Ham, Poultry Farm Uit Het Broek and Europa Ayurveda Centrum.
The present study aims at the prevention and control of coccidiosis in poultry farming by adding an Ayurveda herbal formula with antimicrobial properties as an additive in their food.
Initiator of a project to investigate the effect of a traditional Ayurveda herbal formula on DM2 with a crossover, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial.
Partners in this consortium: Wageningen University, Plant Research International (both part of Wageningen UR), the Canisius-Wilhelmina Hospital, Europa Ayurveda Centrum and EuroProxima BV.
Traditional medicine belongs to humanity from time immemorial. All societies in the past used herbs, plants and animal products to treat disease. A study of indigenous medicine not only sheds light on the nature of earlier societies, but also provides alternatives to help us fight diseases today.