Ayurveda Training


Ayurveda to Lose Weight
September 21, 2016

Ayurveda to Lose Weight

Photo Courtesy of Ayurveda Paragon If I told you I was going on a trip to an Ayurvedic hotel in Sri Lanka and planned to lose five pounds, get off Sweet n Low, and learn how to meditate - all in just one week - you d probably say fat chance. But that s exactly what I did at Ayurveda Paragon on the southwest coast of Sri Lanka, formerly called Ceylon. I haven…

Vagbhata Ayurveda books in Hindi
January 11, 2017

Vagbhata Ayurveda books in Hindi

I was introduced to the Bajracharya medical tradition of Nepal by my colleague Alan Tillotson, author of the highly acclaimed One Earth Herbal Sourcebook. Alan had met the late Dr. Mana Bajra Bajracharya somewhat by chance when he traveled to Nepal in the early 1970s, suffering from the effects of poorly controlled type 1 diabetes. Through Dr. Mana’s skill Alan…

Onion in Ayurveda
March 26, 2016

Onion in Ayurveda

You‘ve often heard of the no onion and garlic diet that lot of people follow. Often, food prepared for the deities is also without onion and garlic. Wondering why Ayurveda recommends a no onion-garlic diet, even though onion and garlic have several health benefits? We asked Ayurveda specialist Dr. Rahul Dogra, Operations Manager, Kairali Ayurvedic Centre to share…

Roots of Ayurveda
April 1, 2017

Roots of Ayurveda

An ancient Indian system for healing, Ayurveda translates as the science or knowledge of life. In essence, it is the art of living in harmony with the laws of nature. Mullein & Sparrow founder Anit Hora was born in India where Ayurveda was such an integrated part of life, she didn t even notice it. When her parents moved her to New York City, they brought…

Patanjali Ayurveda in Hindi
February 4, 2017

Patanjali Ayurveda in Hindi

Amongst all the cultures of the world, Indian culture is not only the oldest of all but it is also the best and incomparable. Vedas are the root source and basis or our culture and civilization, which are the oldest scriptures in the library of human beings. There are four Vedas viz. Rigveda, Yajurveda, Saamveda and Atharveda. Ayurveda is the oldest treatise…

Ayurveda Vata
May 6, 2012

Ayurveda Vata

The word vata means to blow or move like the wind. Consisting of the elements air and ether, it is the principle force of motion in the body and mind. When vata dosha is healthy, the movements of the body are graceful, unimpeded, and yet controlled. When out of balance, the movements become erratic, excessive, decreased, or blocked. To understand the vata dosha…

Eligibility for Ayurveda Course
January 25, 2017

Eligibility for Ayurveda Course

FOUNDATION COURSE IN YOGA AYURVEDA (FCYA) Objective: To promote the awareness for Positive Health and Yogic Personality Development in students. To develop and impart skills in application of yogic practices for restoring and promoting Positive Health. Etiology of selected disease and disorders will be studied with the help of research surveys and clinical observations…

Ayurveda Panchakarma Images
March 29, 2016

Ayurveda Panchakarma Images

Nasyam Naysam comprises nasal breathing in of medicines which is effective in all ailments above the cervix and for diseases like paralysis, facial nerve palsy terrible headaches and other neurologic and psychiatrical diseases. The modern-day study analyzed discloses that the nasal mucous membrane absorbs medicines quicker than any other part of the body. This…

Ayurveda Montreal
June 19, 2017

Ayurveda Montreal

I am thrilled to offer you Ayurveda in my clinic as well as online. A first-time Ayurvedic consultation with me lasts approximately 90 mins. The environment at my office in Montreal is professional and serene. Prior to your consultation, you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire that will assist me in determining your prakruti (balanced or essential nature)…

Ayurveda Deutschland
May 30, 2015

Ayurveda Deutschland

Bevor Sie sich für eine bestimmte Ausbildung entscheiden, sollten Sie auf jeden Fall Ihr individuelles Lernverhalten berücksichtigen - eine Individualität, die wir ja besonders aus dem Ayurveda immer wieder erlernen und erfahren – und Ihre eigenen Bedürfnisse so genau wie möglich ermitteln. Eine Hilfestellung zur Entscheidungsfindung ermöglichen wir Ihnen, indem…

Herbs of Ayurveda
June 18, 2016

Herbs of Ayurveda

The uses of alternative medicines have increased significantly around the world. The search for effective and safe medicines is always on as well as new uses of old medicines are being looked into. Brahmi is an Ayurvedic medicinal herb which has been used for centuries. Certain neurological disorders have limited therapeutic options in Western medicine and hospitals…

Ayurvedic Herbal Plants
December 3, 2016

Ayurvedic Herbal Plants

Ayurvedic Plants and Drugs - Traditional Indian Herbal Medicine. This Application provides list of Ayurvedic Plants along with its details and image (picture) of each herb / herbal plant. Medicinal plants are plants which have a recognized medical use. They range from plants which are used in the production of mainstream pharmaceutical products to plants used…

Tribulus terrestris Ayurveda
June 7, 2017

Tribulus terrestris Ayurveda

The plant Tribulus terrestris is known for its medicinal properties. It is known as “gokshura “ in ayurveda. Tribulus terrestris is widely used in alternative systems of medicines. In European folk medicine it is used to treat headache, dizziness and sexual dysfunction like premature ejaculation. In Chinese medicine this herb is used in treatment of liver, kidney…

Ayurveda Sciatica
February 1, 2016

Ayurveda Sciatica

Article by – Dr. MS Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu), PhD (Ayu). Sciatica is a severe painful condition where sciatic nerve of one or both the legs are involved. Thanks to long hours sitting jobs, it is a common disease which affects the movement of the legs. Often it is associated with low back pain. The condition where back pain and radiating pain of the legs are found…