The 3 Ayurveda Body Types | The Whole Journey

Ayurveda Body Type Diet

Types / February 16, 2018

According to Ayurvedic philosophies, we should align our diet to our dosha body type

According to Ayurvedic philosophies our bodies are made up of three doshas: vata, pitta and kapha. So which is your dominant dosha, how well balanced are all three? And what foods suit your doshic makeup? Our guide to identifying and eating in accordance with your doshas will help keep your body and mind in check.

The ancient practice of Ayurveda believes we're made up of three different 'body types' that correspond to our physical and personality traits, known as doshas. These are: vata, pitta and kapha, each of which represents two of the five universal elements (a combination of ether, air, fire, water, earth). Ayurvedic philosophies believe we each contain varying proportions of each dosha, generally one or two in dominance. Our naturally dominant dosha does not signify imbalance, but rather how – or who – we are in our most healthy, balanced state.

Mind-body health and harmony may be challenged when any of the doshas become aggravated or imbalanced. Identifying your predominant dosha and potential imbalances, which an Ayurvedic practitioner can assist with, is the secret to keeping your mind-body balance in check.

What's your dominant dosha?

According to GP and Ayurvedic therapist at Bondi's Ayurvedic Wellness Centre ( Dr Shaun Matthews, dosha types typically display varying characteristics, such as:

  • Light build
  • Naturally creative
  • Sensitive
  • Prefer warm, humid climates
  • Dry skin
  • Medium, muscular build
  • Productive, hard-working
  • Irritable
  • Prefer cold climates
  • Fair skin
  • Heavy build
  • Stable, methodical
  • Easy-going
  • Prefer warm, dry climates
  • Oily skin

Equal proportions of two ('bidoshic) or all doshas ('tridoshic') is also possible.

Dine for your doshic imbalance

Regardless of body type, imbalances of any dosha can occur in response to lifestyle factors. Consider this: naturally athletic pittas can lose weight due to vata excess, or gain weight as a result of kapha excess. Ayurveda repairs imbalances predominantly with herbal remedies, warm oil massages, yoga, and lifestyle changes, particularly diet.
